Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Trance formations

All human action transforms the world. This is true even if change bears no resemblance to intended change. Transformations effected through human actions are always spatiotemporal. Through action man creates himself and the world. In other words, the self is produced in relation to a world where man’s actions always effect spatiotemporal transformations.

Disciplined actions or normalised actions - like image making writing and the combination of both - transform the world into a disciplined normalised spatiotemporal experience for other men. Experience in turn produces selves in relation to such a normalised world.

Disciplines function as control systems, regulating production in relation to norms. But for this to be true, norms must function as goals (or reference points) for productive outcomes. Such outcomes in turn produce spatiotemporal transformations with a high degree of regularity.

Regularity - rhythm, monotony, pattern, etc. - produce trance . To end trance one must disrupt regularity. To disrupt regularity is, to trance-end. To transcend is to create unexpected outcomes.

Trance formations are established in the world which fulfil all the requirements for man to relax into deep unconscious mental states from where it is not possible to return without catastrophe.